Anahita is a social networking platform for building knowledge sharing apps and services. Use Anahita to launch:
- online learning and knowledge sharing networks
- information access networks about people, places, and things
- open science and open data networks
- online collaboration environments
- cloud back-end for your mobile apps
Anahita provides a genuine nodes and graphs architecture as well as design patterns for building apps that are smarter and inherently social.
- actors: people, groups, or build your own custom actor
- media: notes, topics, todos, photos, pages, or build your own custom media
- hashtags: all actors, media, and comments are hashtagable
- stories: updates created by actors for their followers
- social graph: people and groups can be followed by other people.
- hashtags: for actors, media, and comments
- mentions: tag people in media and comments
- notifications: a person receives an email notification whenever a comment is posted on an item they are subscribed to.
- votes: people can Like/Unlike media and comments
- story feeds on dashboard and actor profiles
- notifications
RAD Framework
- MVC rapid app development framework specialized for building social apps
- fully customizable theme and user interfaces
- extendable by social apps and components
- RESTful and JSON APIs (ideal to use Anahita as a back-end for mobile apps)
- Built using your favourite technologies such as PHP5, MySql, Bootstrap, JQuery, Grunt, Composer, LessCSS
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