الحمل والولادة

Anahita is a social networking platform for building knowledge sharing apps and services. Use Anahita to launch:
  1. online learning and knowledge sharing networks
  2. information access networks about people, places, and things
  3. open science and open data networks
  4. online collaboration environments
  5. cloud back-end for your mobile apps
Anahita provides a genuine nodes and graphs architecture as well as design patterns for building apps that are smarter and inherently social.



  1. actors: people, groups, or build your own custom actor
  2. media: notes, topics, todos, photos, pages, or build your own custom media
  3. hashtags: all actors, media, and comments are hashtagable
  4. stories: updates created by actors for their followers


  1. social graph: people and groups can be followed by other people.
  2. hashtags: for actors, media, and comments
  3. mentions: tag people in media and comments
  4. notifications: a person receives an email notification whenever a comment is posted on an item they are subscribed to.
  5. votes: people can Like/Unlike media and comments


  • story feeds on dashboard and actor profiles
  • notifications

RAD Framework

  1. MVC rapid app development framework specialized for building social apps
  2. fully customizable theme and user interfaces
  3. extendable by social apps and components
  4. RESTful and JSON APIs (ideal to use Anahita as a back-end for mobile apps)
  5. Built using your favourite technologies such as PHP5, MySql, Bootstrap, JQuery, Grunt, Composer, LessCSS


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